Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I was in a blue funk. That's why the word was blue. I'm feeling better today though. I actually made it through most of the work day with a smile on my face, and that's no minor feat, at least for me. Tonight is Karazhan night, everyone please cross your fingers for me that I get the bow I've been wanting :) Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix is what it's called.. not only is it an upgrade damage-wise, it looks really cool, too!

3 fellow footsteps:

Linda said...

I hope you get what you want - no matter what it is! Well, as long as it's legal!

DirkStar said...

I'm lighting a candle at the altar of Goldar...

I'm casting a thirteenth level spell of character support.

Good luck and God speed.

Amazing Gracie said...

Glad you were able to paste a smile on your lovely mug...Being blue is no fun at all.
Good luck on your "WOW"