Saturday, January 19, 2008

Good Morning, Blogland!

Here I am at work, and it's earrrrrrly! Hopefully it will be a short day though, everyone should be done by noon, which still leaves me most of the day. Oh, and no overtime, Sandee :( The promotion I got last year put me on salary, so no more of that! I do get a little bonus for Saturday, but nothing like I would get if I was clocking hours. It balances out over the course of the year though, for the most part. I can leave early every day if opportunity arises, and not get penalized in my paycheck! :) Later on I'll post some more about my horde character, I think. He's been getting neglected! Hope you are all enjoying your day :)

4 fellow footsteps:

DirkStar said...

Oh you are just getting so carried away the W.O.W....

Fun and addictive, the new virtual crack.

DirkStar said...

Sigh, when you get this, I sure could use a hug...

Sandee said...

Thanks for letting me know about the OT. I got OT until I promoted to lieutenant and then I just worked around the clock a lot. As long as you're happy then all is well. Have a great day. :)

Mimi Lenox said...

Hi Carrie. Out and about in the cold are you?
It's brrrrr here too! Stopping by to wish you a lovely Sunday.