Monday, September 24, 2007

MaNiC mOnDaY ~ Kit

When I saw this week's topic, I have to admit I was pretty stumped. I couldn't think of a thing! Thankfully this morning inspiration struck. I still have a bruise!!

I have a Bachelor's degree in Biology, but when I first started college, I was going to be Pre-Med. So I had several science classes to get through every year. Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Genetics, you name it, it was on my schedule at one point or another! I can't remember which class it was, but one of the things we had to have was a molecule-building kit. I guess the idea was to let us see how the molecules we were studying fit together. All I remember is trying to make a huge molecule that used up all the pieces in my kit! :) In all honesty, I'd be very surprised if anyone in my class ever used that kit for anything involving schoolwork, I mean, it's like giving a kid a set of Lego blocks and telling him to build you a functional piece of furniture. It's not going to happen! :)

17 fellow footsteps:

Anonymous said...

wow great career..molecules with a "kit" great stuff..nice for this entry..have a blessed week ahead. mine is up too.
I tagged you hope it’s ok …

Anonymous said...

I agree that the kit was probably never used for schoolwork. It looks like it would be fun to play with.
This Manic Monday was easy for me. I would have said Kit (I see now that his name is spelled K.I.T.T.), the car, from Knight Rider. I used to love that show when I was little. I liked the car's voice and attitude.

Maggie Moo said...

Smart AND funny? (I still have the bruise-bwaa haa ha) Billy's a lucky man!

Carrie said...

Mags - I can't lie, I borrowed/modified a line from the Lion King.. "I got some sense knocked into me, and I still have the bump to prove it" -Simba :)

Sara - ooh, I can't believe I didn't think of that, I used to watch that show!!!

Aniq - thanks! I'll get it when I get home, I promise. My desktop there is much more fun!

Anonymous said...


very interesting

Durward Discussion said...

Interesting learning experience and so much more complicated than Lincoln Logs.

Mo and The Purries said...

That is way cool.
The biology nerd in me loves that!

Sandee said...

Very well done. I'll pass on the biology though. I had enough trouble with business management. Math, math and more math. Have a great MM. :)

Ingrid said...

A molecule-building kit I haven't seen yet today, lol ! I am becoming an expert in kits !

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

wow even i would have liked that one!

smiles, bee

Anonymous said...

wow--looks very complicated! Great job for MM though :)

Desert Songbird said...

This looks like a kit of jacks - you know that game with the bouncy ball and those little star-looking things you have to scoop up?

Lisa Ryan said...

it IS a cool looking kit though. and useful for your MM post! :-)

Mary said...

Still, that's pretty cool! I bet it was fun to mess around with that. Happy MM!

Linda said...

At first glance I thought it was some sort of set of toy army men (seriously, I gotta get some glasses!). Science was never my forte, come to think of it, neither was math!

Great post, you smart thing you!

Anonymous said...

Great choice for this week's theme. It's funny seeing all of the different versions of Kit.

Amazing Gracie said...

No kidding, I thought it was army men, too!!!
I loved biology but my math skills amount to zip. Your kit is very interesting and could keep someone like me entertained for hours....