Monday, December 04, 2006

As requested...

Here's a new post :)

It's been an interesting few days, to say the least. I got my computer back (yay!), got a flat tire on my car (booo), got new tires (yay!), had to work 12 and a half hours (boooo!!!!).. I've been a busy girl! I got to listen to the radio today at work, which was nice. The morning show, however, was not so nice. They have a daily feature in which one of the hosts gets to rant about whatever he wants to, called "What Hot Wings Thinks". Today his topic was that some of the Free Hugs people got thrown out of the Mall of America, and how he was happy about it, because (to paraphrase his point) "when I'm at the mall shopping, the last thing I want is some weirdo coming up and hugging me, when I'm just trying to get stuff for relatives I don't really like and get the heck out of there already". He thought it was great that these people could no longer bother the people that were out shopping.

Well, I don't know about you guys, but that makes me really sad. I mean, if these huggers were anything like the guy in the YouTube video that Skittles posted a while back, what's the harm? People come up voluntarily to get a hug, it's not like these Hug Brigade people are running up to people going HUG ME, HUG ME NOW OR DIE!!! or something. I swear, if anyone ever started something like this here, I would so hug all of them. Twice.

4 fellow footsteps:

Barb said...

Hugs are good! I wouldn't want someone coming up and forcing one on me, but if it was like the hugs video, that would be so cool!!!

Psst.. I need a BlogExplosion credit so I can rent my blog :) I'm skittles0366.. hint hint.

Anonymous said...

/hug =)

Mike said...

It's a sign of the times. No one cares about how others feel. It's a real shame that the world has come to this. A further shame that people don't even want other people who do care to be around. Pity. Oh...heres a hug :)

Mike said...

I just thought about this...give the babies hugs for me too.