Monday, December 22, 2008

One-upmanship at its best: Another conversation with The Whistler

Long title for what was really a short conversation.

Him: I got KL (my shiny new abbreviation for his girlfriend, known from here on out as Keen Lover) her presents. I told her she gets two, and she was like, "Only two???" But hey, two is better than none at all!
Me: Yeah, well, hubby got me FIVE. And I got him five too, so we would have the same.
Him: *bluster* Yes, but two presents at a hundred dollars each.. blah blah blah (translation: Because you have more presents in QUANTITY, I must make up for this in total dollar value, I'm sure your presents didn't cost nearly so much as mine!)
But of course, it's not about how much you spend..
Me: (under my breath) of course it's not, but you still had to bring it up anyway, didn't you?

He's been doing that a lot lately, like he thinks I'm poverty-stricken and need reassurance that a cheap gift is still a worthy one. *pat pat* It's ok to be poor. Oh, why THANK YOU for that! Bah.

In other (WoW) news..
Asara is now 79! We did so well with all of our present-wrapping that we were able to spend some time in WoW yesterday. Ran a couple of instances, got some new gear, all in all a highly enjoyable day. I also managed to get Saraabi up to 71, and have some fun with the Winter's Veil achievements. I may even do the PvP one, but I don't know. I die a lot in PvP, and to have to finish up a battleground after getting only one or two achievement-qualifying HK's, or worse, none at all.. not the best prospect in the world right now. I do want to do the Ogri'la one on a reindeer though. I've got lots of holly stored up, so even if I do get dismounted a few times, it shouldn't be a problem. Hubby has some snowflakes for me, so I'll be finishing up that particular one this evening, providing Dalaran is as busy as it usually is. I got all of the alliance ones over the weekend, gotta find some hordies to sprinkle snow on! I also still need to find the rest of the "brothers" and toss them some Mistletoe. I found everyone in Stormwind, it's time to do some traveling! :)

7 fellow footsteps:

Barb said...

You should get Whistler a book.. Chicken Soup For The Nobody Here At Work Likes You Soul.

Our DKs hit 62 finally, but they still need to go back somewhere other than OL to grind their profs a bit more.

There are a few WV quests they will just be too low to finish.. but we've done the lower and easier ones.

Anonymous said...

"He's been doing that a lot lately, like he thinks I'm poverty-stricken and need reassurance that a cheap gift is still a worthy one. *pat pat* It's ok to be poor."

Which is funny considering you're his boss and make more than him.

Rebecca said...

I once knew a girl like that. We had the same bus stop in 5th and 6th grade. Anything I could do, she'd tell me she could do better. Anything I got, she showed me that hers was better.

In the end I feel sorry for people like that. How empty must their lives be to have to put so much importance on material things. It's sad.

Anonymous said...

Well, pardon me for lowering the tone but....I'd have said "Well, I gave my hubby the best blow job he ever had!" and see him try to outdo you on that o_O The best things in life are free ;)

Amazing Gracie said...

He, he, he....
Good shot.
People like that are such boobs. Talk about insecurities!

Anonymous said...

{I'd have said "Well, I gave my hubby the best blow job he ever had}


Carrie said...

@Hulan -
I think you just made a friend for life XD