Friday, March 21, 2008


Almost overslept this morning. Technically I did, but I made it in before my scheduled start time, so there shouldn't be any repercussions. This is the second week I've overslept at least one day. So.. I hate to say it but I really have to cut down on my raid time. I'm going back to what I originally intended, one night a week. At least until my work schedule gets back to normal. I'm probably going to miss out on a lot of stuff, but I need to put work first.

I got a new flying mount the other day, a green nether ray. It's not the one that I've been overly excited about, that one will still take me a couple of days. With luck I'll have it by Monday though. I'm going to be working hard over the next three days to get it, that's for sure! After my nap this afternoon that is... and some cleaning on Saturday, and church and dinner on Easter... Dangit, I don't seem to have too much weekend available! Oh well, I've waited this long, I can wait a few more days.

I've got a busy weekend, how about all of you out there? Any good plans?

5 fellow footsteps:

Sandee said...

Have a great weekend and yes you need your rest so you can function at work. It's hard to do I know.

We are going boating this weekend...what else. Have a great Easter. :)

Mo and The Purries said...

Did you get all the snow that we did?
Have fun stormin' the castle!

DirkStar said...

Felicia ans I are just going to sit back and enjoy Micah's first Easter.

And I plan on putting my PlayStation II through the surround system and gaming in full concert realism.

Anonymous said...

I sometimes do this when it comes to blogging. In fact, I've missed a flight because I had to post before I left...*sigh*

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Ugh, I hate Peeps. More for you and my husband. Cadbury Cream Eggs, on the other hand...