The first of the photos..
Phew.. finally home, and I've got my pictures uploaded! It's going to take a few days for me to be able to share them all with you, to avoid a super huge post. I'll start with the first day, we got the car, and headed off to Dowagiac to finally meet everyone's favorite Blog Talk Radio show host, Mo! We got there right as he was closing up shop, so we all went out for dinner, in order to have some time to chat. Let me tell you, if you ever go visiting Dowagiac, I recommend Zeke's! I had a french dip, and it was lovely!! Another bonus for us, they actually had sippy cups, so Emily got her chocolate milk just the way she likes it :)

9 fellow footsteps:
How cool Carrie. I love both of the shots. I'm still jealous, but I'm glad you got to meet three bloggers. Someday, I'm going to meet all of you too. Have a great day. :)
You know, that sippy cup thing is a smart move on their part - I know I would have gone back again and again when my girls were little just for that reason! Very cool!
You guys look so great!
Glad you're home safe, sweetie!
Thanks for the visit!
You know, your father-in-law mentioned on Bee's blog once that we look alike. And you know, he's right!
HERE"S the link to the post that Bee had with my picture. I'm kind of picture shy, so that's the only one out there of me. Maybe I'm being weird, but being adopted makes me look for resemblances.
SQT - you know, under normal circumstances, I'm more or less blonde as well. I do the same thing, because you never know who you might be related to!
Great thinkin' on the sippie cups. I have to carry mine with me. Don'tcha hate it when you get a Styrofoam cup and a straw that's two foot long and there's no knives in the whole place to cut it down. Kids inevitably tip the cup to reach the straw. The result...a lap full of drink!
I'm glad you guys had a great time. I love the smiles on your faces.
The funny thing is that I had just colored my hair blond when that picture was taken. Naturally, I have curly brown hair. But what's the fun in that. ;)
You two like as though you've been friends for a long time!
What an adventure!!!
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