Four Years Ago..
Look at that gut.. my goodness. There I am, waiting to be prepped for surgery, because my little guy wasn't quite so little, and his head got stuck on the way out!
At 7:01 PM, it was over, and Mr. Andrew Ray saluted the world with a big breath and an even bigger yell. He wanted the whole hospital to know that he was here, and he wasn't sure he was happy about it!! As he was being weighed (10 lb. 12 oz!) and measured (21 in. long), he baptized one of the nurses, just to prove his point.
Homecoming was quiet, it was late in the day, and we all were ready to just get home and get some rest.
My little guy turns four years old today. It's fun to look back at these pictures and see how tiny he was, and realize how much he has grown. He's an amazing, bright little boy, so friendly, he always makes a new friend when he goes to the park. Next year he'll be going into preschool, and I'm sure I'll be a wreck. But until then, he gets to stay home with Daddy all day, and they play together. And every once in a while, we get together with the rest of the family... Uncle Bob is probably still recovering from the last time!
13 fellow footsteps:
Comment #1.... Have a happy day.
Comment #2 4 years ago you were hurting from birthing a child....
Comment #3.... Are we moving this comment problem along.
Comment #3.... Are we moving this comment problem along.
Comment #4 Wow, I have a tootsie Roll pop for my halloween favors. Wow
Comment #5 I accidently posted Comment 3 twice. Have a good day kiddo
Callie, you crack me up.
Happy Birthday to that sweet boy! :)
I'm over from your mom blog and came over to wish Andy a Happy Birthday.
Anyhow I have a Andy also and he turn 19 last month but in my blog he known as Sawyer.
Sweet Andy :)
Happy Birthday to Andrew and Happy Anniversary to you as four years of being a Mom! And I bet a great one, too!!
Happy Birthday, Andy! And many, many more!
Isn't Callie a crack-up? Hope your comments are full...
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Andy
Happy Birthday to you.
Is Callie drinking? :)
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