Tuesday, June 05, 2007

It's June 5!

Do you know where your bookshelf is?

There's a link to mine in my sidebar! Right now there are just a few books there, from the last time I tried a reading contest. I'm starting the first book in my reading list today, in hopes that I'll do better this time around, and maybe win some nice BlogExplosion credits! Seeing as the last Harry Potter book is due out soon, I decided to start reading the whole series over, just so I'm up on the whole story when it finally arrives from Amazon.com. Once those are done, I've lined up the 5 of 7 books I have in the Crown of Stars series, by Kate Elliott. I'm hoping they'll balance out the Harry Potter, as none of them is less than 600 pages long!

If you're an avid reader like I am, why not give a click below and sign up? Best of luck to everyone that's competing!

4 fellow footsteps:

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

Okay, you sold me. I'm clicking.

Carrie said...

Hey Stewart!
Good to see you, and good luck, if you decide to enter!

Mo and The Purries said...

I've been re-reading the Harry Potter series again, too!!!
For the same reason - I'm up to Book 5 (Order Of The Phoenix) right now, and it makes me say I CANNOT WAIT for the movie, and for the new book!


Anonymous said...

I want to re-read the Harry Potter series too, but it would take me awhile since I don't just sit and read like I used to.
Good luck on the reading contest. I think you have a good chance of placing or getting a mention. Of the people I know, you and my mom read the most books in the shortest amount of time.