Monday, March 05, 2007

When Work Gets In The Way...

Good Morning!
This will probably be my last post for a while. Last Thursday one of my employees called in, saying that her head hurt too much for her to make it in to work. She called me yesterday telling me that she has been in and out of the hospital three times since then. Apparently she's got a bulging disk in her neck, and pneumonia to boot. She's here now, but she will be leaving in about 45 minutes for a doctor's appointment, and likely will not be back until she gets this all taken care of. I'm no expert, but I'd guess that will be at least a month. So from 10AM today until whenever.. I'm going to have to do her job, which means that I won't be at my computer basically at all while I am at work. And that means.. pretty much no blogging, since I do just about all of my blogging from work. I'll miss you guys, and I'll come around when I can!

Clipart courtesy of Fotosearch

6 fellow footsteps:

Mags said...


The nerve people have-don't they know you're needed here?


Good luck...

Josh said...

Ahhh... I know what you mean about having to work.

Barb said...

double :(

Evolution of gina said...

Thanks for bidding on my blog. I didn't get to accept your bid, but try again! Repeat bidders--like my current renter--get priority!

Evolution of gina said...

Oh yeah. I mentioned you on my blog as a consolation prize. Thanks again!

Kiyotoe said...

That's not right, i don't like the sound of this at all.

Guess i'll just have to bug you via e-mail. ;)