Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Weight Watchers

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was going to start working out. I made it through one week of every other day, then Christmas and everything hit, and I am a bit ashamed to say that I didn't work out at all over the holiday. I did try to cut down on how much I ate though, so all is not lost! Yesterday I got back into the swing of it, and I even did my best at the parts that are more difficult for me. So.. here I am to share my latest weight. Now, I'm weighing myself at work on floor scales, so this might not be quite so accurate, but I'm still pretty pleased!

Starting Weight - approx. 217
Today's Weight - 211!

12 fellow footsteps:

Mags said...

Congrats! I was gifted a gym membership for Christmas but have a cold now so I can't start. I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing changes too, though I'm not as brave as you are in posting my weight, I might post a "5 pounds lost" type of thing.

Great job!

Anonymous said...

Good job!
I have gone down about 5 lbs recently and I'm not sure why. I have ideas though.

Josh said...

I'm right there with ya, girl... I'm trying to go from 213 - 185.

Rachel Schell said...

congrats !! I don't think anybody sticks to things through the holidays...its ok :)

Barb said...

Ohhh good luck!!!!!!!

DesLily said...

loosing weight is never easy. You must be doing something right! Congrats on loosing over the holidays!.. you are most likely the only one that did lol.

Nikki Neurotic said...

That's a great start! Now that the holidays are behind you, I'm sure you'll be able to get back into the swing of things as far as exercising pretty quickly...and kudos for eating well even during the holiday, that's always a problem for me.

Kiyotoe said...

pssshhh......i pay for a gym membership and haven't been in at least two months.

guess i got caught up in the holiday and pre holiday stuff.

post holiday stuff too?

Barb said...

Look at all your comments :) Just stopping by to say good morning before I go back to bed (lol) and to say I love the dragons you've made for Kiyotoe!

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Are you using that trend thingy I made?


Carrie said...

I'm going to start, Owl! :)
I can only weigh myself at work, but I'm going to do my darnedest to check every day and keep an eye on things. Thank you very much for setting that up and sending it along! :)

masgblog said...

hi asara.....I read skittles so thought I'd visit you for a change. I am a Lifetime Weight Watcher person, so if you ever need help...just shout. I also keep a weight site for me (and as it turns out for others!). You can access it from my ,ain blog sidebar.

Good luck with the journey.